09 January 2012

901????keje la ape lg~~


Dear you,

i'm now regain my energy+semangat bekerja
setelah terbiasa bermalas2 dirumah for long wekend...=D
(xde la longg mana pun..juz 3days holiday..every monday plak tue)

oke..my division rite now is undergoing a minor renovation coz tambah 1 room for my DGM..plus we ollss semua will having a new sitting arrangement..suke2..ingat kan my DGM je nk dpt new working environ...we olls pun dpt jugak oke!!..new year mood  ;p
so, my division agak berhabuk becoz org bertukang..mengecat dlm opis..mencucuk2 hidung ii..sampai ke tekak terasa bisanye..aishh~~

this morning, pegi amik blood result tok medical check-up last week
seriusly..xpham satu ape pun result...hahahahah
naseb ade consultation dr doc..;p
anatomy vs engineering..we r not having a same wave length...hahahahah
generally..doc ckp good..hahahaah..serius oke xtipu...klo doc pun xtipu la kan
tetiba awareness tok monitor tahap kesihatan diri meningkat..coz when everything put on paper..it more clear la kan..bley wat analisis mn yg terlebey..mn yg terkurang..for improvement..heheheh



  1. dear sis,when it comes to IC..can u PLEASE erase it first before publish to public???

    sekian,terima kasih.

  2. u can put the pic actually.no need la smpai take out terus gmbr2 tu.just erase yg part ic tu je..ok.. :)
